Spenco Insoles Prevent Blisters Under Feet
In 1968, researchers described the “ball-bearing effect” of a new closed-cell neoprene Spenco insole material and found it prevents blisters.
Calf Stretch Video Demo - Technique is EVERYTHING!
As a podiatrist, the most common stretch I give people for lots of foot problems (including some blisters) is calf stretches. But technique is EVERYTHING! Watch the video.
6 Popular Ways To Prevent A Back-of-Heel Blister
Back-of-heel blisters are the most common heel blister. Learn how to implement the 6 most popular preventions and find out how they work.
Heel Blister Treatment & Prevention
Learn how to master the art of heel blister treatment and prevention, including back-of-heel, under the heel and edge heel blisters.
The Heel-Lock Lacing Technique For Blister Prevention
The heel-lock lacing technique is my favourite all-in-one blister prevention strategy for heel blisters and most toe blisters. Watch these 3 videos.
Why Do I Wear Holes In The Back Of My Shoes?
I used to wear holes in the back of my shoes very quickly, and have to throw them out well before time. It's a common problem. Here how to fix it.
4 Ways To Prevent An UNDER Heel Blister
An under heel blister is rather uncommon. When they do occur, they're most often suffered by runners and hikers on downhill terrain.