The Magic of the Blister Medic
When I’m treating blisters, it feels like people assume I have magic powers. While I’d like to take the credit, there is nothing special about lancing a blister and putting a fancy bandaid on it. N...

Australian 6-Day Ultramarathon Festival 2024
7 days, 113 foot care episodes (95% blister-related), and the Australian 6-Day Ultramarathon Festival 2024 is done. Records were broken, PBs achieved, a few DNFs, a bit of gastro, kiwis complaining...

Q&A With Adam Inglis of Blister Wool
Blister Wool is the newest addition to our expanding product range at Blister Prevention. So, to introduce you to this 100% Australian product, I sat down with Blister Wool founder, Adam Inglis, to...

Ski Boot Blisters: Painful Reality or Non-Issue?
In this article, we explore the prevalence of ski boot blisters, the factors contributing to them, and what skiers are doing to treat them.

Waterproof Socks Indispensable, But There's a Catch
The only thing that will stop the external water getting in contact with your skin is waterproof socks. But even then there’s a slight catch.

Rubbing Not Required For Friction Blisters, Here's Why
Some people can’t get past the mistaken/flawed idea that blisters are caused by rubbing. It's understandable. But here's what's wrong with the rubbing theory.

Running Blisters Are A Common Injury [Research]
Would you believe me if I told you running blisters are actually THE most common injury in running? Here's the research to prove it.