There are certain inquiries I get every day of the week. Long story short, I wrote a blister book so people can get these anwers any time they need them.
These inquiries go something like this:
"I'm training for a marathon and I keep getting blisters under my big toes. I use . It helps a bit but I still get these blisters. I want to run a half-marathon this weekend. What can I do? Please help!"
I love getting these emails. I know I can help this athlete more than they even realise.
Combined with the popularity of my "blisters by anatomical location" articles (and the unexpected popularity of an image on Pinterest: this one), I decided it was time to write a book. So athletes like you can have expert tips and insights at your fingertips. So here it is ...
The Blister Prone Athlete's Guide To Preventing Foot Blisters
Insider Tips To Take You From Blister Victim To Champion

Blister book description
Foot blisters can be tricky to avoid. New shoes, hot days, sweaty feet, hard surfaces, steep hills, longer distances. It can feel like you’ve tried everything but you still get blisters and you have no idea why.
The fact is, stock-standard blister prevention techniques don’t always work, especially for those a little more blister prone than others. Thankfully, when you understand the four factors that combine to cause blisters, it changes everything. And I’m not talking about heat, moisture and friction. If you want to get on top of blisters in sport - these are a given! You need to find solutions knowing it’s going to be hot and sweaty in your shoes and friction levels are high.
In The Blister Prone Athlete’s Guide to Preventing Foot Blisters, the author outlines the best preventive strategies for the ten most common foot blister locations.
It doesn’t matter what sport you play, what climate you live in or how blister prone you are, preventing blisters can be easy. But you need to consider each anatomical location on its own merits. This is what it takes to get on top of blisters when basic blister prevention techniques are not enough.
What you need to know about blisters
Friction defined
When blister prevention becomes difficult
- Heel blisters - At the back of your heel
- Heel blisters - Edge blisters
- Heel blisters - Under your heel
- Arch blisters
- Blisters under the ball of your foot
- Toe blisters - Under your big toe
- Toe blisters - On the outside of your little toe
- Toe blisters - On the tops of your toes
- Toe blisters - Between your toes
- Toe blisters - On the tips of your toes or under your toenails
About the author
What format does the book come in?
Both Kindle and in print.
Where can I get the Kindle version from?
From these international Amazon stores. Here are the direct links:
What about the printed book? Where can I buy that from?
The book is produced as "print on demand" which means as soon as you order it, the book is printed and shipped to you. While the book is only available from the US, UK and European stores, if you're outside of these countries, Amazon will ship to you, no matter what country you live in. It is not available in stores.
When was the book released?
Thursday 29th October 2015.
I love the blister book! How can I help?
- Tell your friends and colleagues there's a better way to deal with foot blisters!
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Can I ask a question about the book?
Sure! Contact me here.
Fix My Foot Blisters Fast is the online version of this blister book... on steroids!
It’s got even more information than the book, for example:
- I’ve updated the prevention section
- It covers blister treatment too
- There are videos and more pictures
- It's brilliantly intuitive to use
- Access it from your phone, tablet or computer
- All-round, it's better value for money
Amazon Reviews